
To update an entity, you must create an updated request, set properties to the values you want and execute the request. The library will send an HTTP PATCH request to the remote service.

import pyodata
import requests

SERVICE_URL = 'http://services.odata.org/V2/Northwind/Northwind.svc/'

northwind = pyodata.Client(SERVICE_URL, requests.Session())

update_request = northwind.entity_sets.Customers.update_entity(CustomerID='ALFKI')
update_request.set(CompanyName='Alfons Kitten')

In the case the service you are dealing with requires PUT method, you have two options.

The first option allows you to change the used HTTP method for a single call via the key word parameter method of the method update_entity.

update_request = northwind.entity_sets.Customers.update_entity(CustomerID='ALFKI', method='PUT')

If you need to run more update requests for different entity sets and all of them must be PUT, then you can consider setting the default service’s update method to PUT.

northwind.config['http']['update_method'] = 'PUT'